Sunday, December 15, 2013

Slim Down For What ?!?

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned,or worn. It is the spiritual existence of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
-Dennis Waitley

Hey lovelies!How's everything kicking for ya?Recently I've just been talking to so many people and so many girls and some boys I know, just come to me saying that they just don't feel good enough. They are waiting until they lose such and such pounds, or look a certain way to do things and start living.To be perfectly honest,I used to think that senior year I'll come back really in shape and all the boys will like me. I wanted to get asked to prom by a really popular guy who doesn't notice me and who honestly isn't that nice of a person. But the point is,I wanted to live when I was thin.Not even when I was healthy,but when I was thin. But I noticed the more that I made these ideas based off of messed up fantasies, that I never committed to any of them because none of them were truly for me.I wanted to lose weight to make everyone ok with me and be attractive to people that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. The more and more I thought about those things, the more and more things would into place. What I mean by that is, I wanted to hold off on doing really cool things and wearing fashionable clothes until I had my "new look". But things kept coming up and people kept making plans,and my now boyfriend and I kept getting closer as friends,and the boring clothes were sold out in the stores.(Literally I went into H&M to get a black dress and came out with a pure white dress with a mesh covering for my boobs and it shows me off in every way perfectly,and only $15,the black dress was $24.50). It was as if God was saying, I MADE YOU PERFECT FOR LIFE THE WAY YOU ARE! Stop using these excuses of trying to be what the world wants and be who I want and need you to be. I didn't put you here to bum around and wait for a life I've already given you. I heard him loud and clear. I couldn't run from it.Life is here.Life is happening,awakening and dying around you.Jump in yours before it dies right before your eyes. You'll turn into a skeleton while waiting to live until you're as skinny as a skeleton!I don't know about you, but I'm not going out like that.I will be the liveliest fat lady you've ever seen before I let "wishing upon a size" keep me sitting and waiting.Live for today and be happy with you.It's the only body and this is the only life you will live.

(I'll upload the picture of the dress soon) ;)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Middle finger to the old life

" You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself,and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection"

Hey lovely people. As I am writing this I am listening to "Shake It Off" by Florence & the Machine.This song has always made me feel like throwing my arms open wide and just taking in a breath as huge and life-filled as the earth itself. It creates a euphoric feeling of peace and sunshine mixing in the atmosphere and I take it all in. I mean, why shouldn't you feel good about life?Why is it wrong to go around being happy with yourself and your life? I don't get it.Breathing? (check) Moving? (check) Loving? (double checks)...then what the hell is there to be angry about?You get another day! You didn't wake yourself up.You didn't start your own heart. I would've ceased both previous actions some time ago,but I didn't because I can't. I'm here, you're here and that's amazing. Be grateful for it.

Ellen's take on this issue

So around this time,you know it's winter shopping time and that time to put those super revealing summer clothes away. Well I'm a bit late on that but before my body revolution I used to wear unflattering things that made me look a billion times bigger than I actually was. I always wanted to spend my money on Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle Outfitters,Aerie,etc. But when I went shopping in these stores, (except AEO), they would go up to a large and that wouldn't fit on my thumb! But there is a reason for that. The owner of Abercrombie said that the clothes don't cater to the "fat unpopular kids". He only wants the "skinny popular jocks" wearing his clothing.So I stopped longing to shop there because if you do,then you're forcing yourself into their clothes, further shaming yourself and giving your money to someone who is against you loving your body and wearing their clothes. You're paying all of that money to fit into something not only not made for your body but not made for you as a person. To that I say:eff that, ain't nobody got the money for those pieces of scrap material thrown together. I don't know what YOU think, but my curves ARE popular.Get with the program Hollister and the others. Weight discrimination is real.Fight it!