Thursday, November 21, 2013

I think I can...

"Tell the negativity committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.You have the power."
-Everyday Life Lessons

Hey lovely people, I am starting to switch my closet from the season of summer to fall/winter. It's a random saturday when I rip everything out of my closet, take out a bunch of bags, and sort through everything. It takes a good seven hours. But anyways, I look through the things I bought and the things I lived my summer dreams in and say goodbye to them.Some for the winter,others are so worn out, I have to unfortunately say goodbye forever. Anyways, I always come by some clothes that I plan to wear with so many things and only ended up wearing it like twice the entire season. This year it's my black mini skirt.

It's such a practical piece of clothing.It's just black and plain. But on me people say it looks anything but plain. I have no idea why but slowly that started to affect how much I wore it,what I wore it with,and who saw me in it. Every time I opened my drawer I just saw it and immediately looked past it. I barely considered wearing it because of the looks I got or how my mother would question me to the moon. I believe that she'd try to get me to wear jeans under it if I'd have no objection. I try to pull it down,but I have to much going on body wise for that to even matter.

I understand there is a difference between wearing something made to suit your body,you look great in it, and others have a problem with it; versus what you wear being completely trashy and nasty. Don't get this confused as a sign that you should be wearing too tight jeans that cut off your circulation,give you muffin top, shows most of your ass, and makes everyone uncomfortable--including you. Way different story! That is not my translation.Don't even think about it! But moving on, recently I just decided to eff what they think,I have what I have and if I can wear it to church then I can wear it anywhere. I feel great in it.It makes me look amazing. Nothing is hanging out. Go for it and rock it. Your style may not be someone else's style just like their body isn't and will never be your body.That's fine.Work what you have,and don't wish for what you don't.Be happy with you.

Me and Tiff on her bday with the skirt on...and a lot going on ;)


  1. Girl I say pull it up higher, that skirt is longer than most of the things other people wear, not matter the season. I liked how you finally gave up on what others thought and did what YOU thought was best and u looking like a good piece of chocolate if i ever seen one. WERK!

  2. lmao thank you so much! Yeah it's really hard to get rid of those voices,especially internally and externally,and maybe you can't get rid of them,but you can tune them out.And I'm glad I learned that. I shall do my best to WERK!lol
