Saturday, November 16, 2013

"To love yourself right now, is to give yourself heaven.Don't wait until you die.If you wait, you die now.If you love, you live now."
-Alan Cohen

Hey lovely people. I was going through my bookshelf this weekend and came across this book that I bought last year around this time.It was the famous plus size model Crystal Renn's book called Hungry. She talks about how she was discovered,and how she developed and struggled through her later teens with an eating disorder and how the pressure to get skinnier and skinnier in the fashion industry wore on her body and self worth.

 It detailed the low points and once she had gotten to rock bottom, she had no where to go but up---including her weight. As she started to eat more,her body,self esteem,career,and personal life improved drastically. She started to get booked for more shows and photo shoots.

 She not only tells her story,but inserts statistics and explanations to try to figure out where this "the skinnier,the better" life aspiration came from and why we esteem it so highly in our lives. I found it an inspiring,funny,informative, and easy to relate to in my own life. I hope you all get a chance to read this book. Self love first!That's the true success in a world that has taught you to hate yourself.Everything else comes after that.

 Crystal Renn 16: under 100 pounds

Age 18:healthier and more successful